The 4th Battalion, containing many soldiers from Denbigh and the surrounding area, took part in the battle and a narrative of its action is recorded in the battalion war diary (see transcript and images below);
May 8th: Battalion was ordered to rendezvous again and marched at 6.30pm to a position in rear of Rue de Bois where assault on German trenches in morning was to take place.
May 9th; 5am: Artillery bombardment began and at 5.30am intense bombardment at 5.40am assault was delivered, Battalion acting as mopping Battalion to the Brigade. Assault failed and Battalion lost following casualties in advancing from supporting breastwork to front line breastworks.
Lt-col F. C. France Hayhurst - killed
Capt. J. Eric Evans - died of wounds
Lieut. B. Croom Johnson - killed
2nd-lieut. J. T. C. Hazledene - killed
Lieut. M. Pern RAMC (attached) - killed
2nd-lieut. R. Richards - wounded
65 other ranks killed, wounded or missing
May 9th; 3.20pm: Brigade detailed for 2nd assault. 2 Companies of Battalion were again detailed for mopping up and 2 Companies attached to 23rd Company Royal Engineers.
May 9th; 4pm: Assault was again delivered and once more failed owing to machine guns etc. the 2 Companies reached as far as the front breastworks using communication trenches and only suffered very slightly!
May 9th; 6.30pm: Part of Brigade was withdrawn and Battalion ordered to march to billets where they billeted at Harisoir for the night.
May 10th: Battalion changed billets to Long Cornet. Draft of 17 men rejoined for duty. Battalion as part of the 3rd Brigade was highly complimented on its bearing in the action on the 9th inst both by G.O.C. Division and Brigade.
11th: Battalion moved into reserve trenches at Cinchy. 2nd-Lt. Clayton to hospital sick